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17 Results

Recioto Wine

Recioto is a passito red wine, produced with the same grapes of Amarone wine
Lake Garda

Soave Wine

Soave is a DOC-labelled white wine that makes up nearly half of the wine production with a controlled designation of origin in Verona
Lake Garda


Valpolicella has been awarded the DOC label in 1968.
Lake Garda

Bardolino Wine

Bardolino DOC is a bright, ruby red wine with a dry and soft taste.
Lake Garda


Chiaretto, a rosé variant of Bardolino wine, is produced from the same grapes.
Lake Garda

Trentino Marzemino

The grape vines from which the Trentino Marzemino wine is produced grow in the Lagarina Valley, which is crossed from north to south by the Adige river.
Lake Garda